kids and music - changing their lives

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kids and music - changing their lives

Some kids grow up loving music. From the time they are in their mother's womb, the sound of music soothes them and brings them joy. My daughter has always loved all kinds of music. When she was in my belly, I put all kinds of music on and placed a pair of headphones on my belly. The different types of music would produce different results - calming music soothed her and lively music made her active. Now that she is four, she is beginning to explore different instruments. If you have a child that loves music, this blog can help you find ways to expose him or her to continue learning about music.

The Importance of Cue Sheets in Media Production

10 June 2024
 Categories: , Blog

In the world of media production, whether it’s film, television, radio, or online content, music plays a crucial role in setting the mood, emphasizing the narrative, and enhancing the overall experience for the audience. Behind the scenes, the cue sheet is one of the key tools that ensure music is used legally and effectively. Understanding the importance of cue sheets in media production is essential for anyone involved in the creative process. Read More …

Five Great Benefits of Piano Tuning

18 December 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Playing the piano is a beautiful and rewarding experience, but it requires proper maintenance and care for optimal performance. One of the most important aspects of care for a piano is regular tuning. Whether you are an avid player or a casual enthusiast, there are numerous benefits to investing in a piano tuning service. Here's a look at five key advantages of piano tuning and how it can enhance your playing experience. Read More …

An Investigation Into The Importance Of Music Reporting Services For Artists And Labels

30 August 2023
 Categories: , Blog

In the dynamic landscape of the modern music industry, getting your artistic creations noticed amidst the cacophony of online content can be quite a challenge for anybody. This is where music reporting services step in, offering a pivotal solution for both artists and labels. This investigation will look into the essential role of music reporting services, exploring their significance in today's digital music ecosystem and see how they might be helpful for smaller artists and labels in a way that you might have been missing before. Read More …

Master The Art Of Singing From Home: Online Vocal Studio Lessons

28 April 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Are you an aspiring singer looking to improve your skills but struggling to find the time or resources to attend in-person vocal lessons? Look no further than online vocal studio lessons. With the rise of technology and the internet, it's never been easier to master the art of singing from the comfort of your own home. Not only is this helpful for those who live in more rural or remote areas, but it can be beneficial for all sorts of different singers, from those who are simply too busy or those who may be bound by physical problems. Read More …

Play With Precision: Flute Playing Techniques To Improve Your Performance

10 February 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you've been taking flute lessons, your teacher has probably already introduced the basics of playing the instrument. This includes learning proper breathing techniques and understanding how to make good use of air pressure when playing the instrument. These fundamentals are important for aspiring flutists as they form the foundation for building more advanced techniques. Here are some flute playing techniques for you to explore in your flute lessons and practice to improve your performance. Read More …